May 08

Destination: Little Jetties, East Chicopit Bay, Pablo Creek, Sherman Creek, Boathouse Creek

Chart of the fishing spot Little Jetties:

Chart of the fishing spot Sherman Creek:

Directions: Little Jetties Park, aka Helen Floyd Cooper Park (COJ), is off Mayport Rd just southwest of the city of Mayport. You can reach it by proceeding north on Mayport Rd (A1A) from Atlantic Blvd or from the Ferry on the south bank of the river heading southwest on Mayport Rd (A1A).

Description: Little Jetties Park offers a great launch into a number of excellent kayak fishing destinations with a minimal paddle. The park is a finger of land that sits on the southeast corner of where the St. Johns River meets the ICW. Launching at Little Jetties Park enables the paddler to fish the East Chicopit Bay, Pablo Creek, Sherman Creek, and Boathouse Creek with a minimal paddle. It is also a good spot to launch if you are planning to head across the ICW to the West Chicopit Bay and the creeks in that area — the paddle to the West Chicopit takes about 20-30 minutes. It also is an ideal launch site if you are in an adventurous mood and want to fish the Little Jetties themselves. Beware of swift currents, boat wakes, and difficult conditions if you plan to fish the rocks themselves. A jetty anchor or some type of hook is usually necessary to steady your boat. All of the creeks and bays in this area offer extensive flats, oyster and shell beds, grass, and ample opportunity to catch a wide variety of fish.

Difficulty: Moderate. In windy conditions the East Chicopit can be difficult to paddle since it is so open and unprotected. Also be careful when crossing the ICW — even though this area is a no wake zone there are still significant wakes and the currents where the ICW meets the river are swift. The Pablo Creek, Sherman Creek, and Boathouse Creek areas are much more protected and are relatively calm even on windy days.

Closest Bait&Tackle Shop: B&M Bait&Tackle.   Tides

Launches: There are 2 primary launch areas for kayak fishing.

  • L1 – Little Jetties park has a series of entries into the East Chicopit Bay which is directly south of the park. Parking is relatively secure — there are usually a number of folks fishing the river off the north bank of the park as well as the south bank. Beware the tides in this area. At a negative low tide a significant portion of the East Chicopit near where you launch is completely mud, and much of the rest of the East Chicopit is very shallow.
  • L2 – There is a dirt launch at the Sherman Creek bridge off A1A on the southwest portion of the road. There is sufficient parking for 5-6 cars and a launch that is only slightly muddy at dead low tide.

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Google Maps: Aerial View : Topo View